Thursday 12 November 2015

Work-Life Balance...

Season 1 - #4 The Jersey Devil

Scully: Working hard Mulder?

Scully: Save me the trouble.

Scully: He's a jerk. He's not a jerk, he's erm, he's obsessed with his work.

Scully: Where are you?

Mulder: I'm not far from where you left me.

Scully: Well, it's not hard to see why they mistook you for a vagrant.

Mulder: You gonna rag on me or you gonna take me to get something to eat?

Scully: Unlike you Mulder, I would like to have a life.

Mulder: I have a life!

Mulder: You should've seen her, she was beautiful.

Scully: Yeah well, she just about ripped your lungs out.

Mulder: Don't you have a life Scully?

Scully: Keep that up Mulder and I'll hurt you like that beast-woman.

Mulder: Eight million years out of Africa.

Scully: Look who's holding the door.


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