Thursday 19 November 2015

We are on fire!

Season 1 - #11 Fire

Scully: I forgot what it was like to spend a day in court.

Mulder: Well, that's one of the luxuries of hunting down aliens and genetic mutants.
                  You rarely get to press charges.

Mulder: That's, uh, from Sherlock Holmes. It's a private joke.

Scully: How private?

Scully: Mulder, you just keep unfolding like a flower.

Scully: Yeah, I noticed how you couldn't drop everything fast enough in order to help
                 her out.

Mulder: Oh, I was merely extending her a professional courtesy.

Scully: Oh, is that what you were extending?

Scully: Something tells me you're not going to get rid of her that easily.

Scully: Well, I did a little checking of my own. I didn't know a whole lot about arson
                 or arsonists so I took the opportunity... for my own edification, of course.

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