Wednesday 18 November 2015

Eves' favourite past-time - Exsanguination

Season 1 - #10 Eve

Scully: Death by hypovolaemia. 95% blood loss. That's over 4 liters of blood.

Mulder: I'd say the man was running on empty.

Scully: Mulder, why would alien beings travel light years through space in order to play
                doctor on cattle?

Mulder: For the same reason we cut up frogs and monkeys. Besides, they seem to have
                 stepped up their interest.

Teena: They wanted to exsanguinate him.

Mulder: One girl was just abducted.

Scully: Kidnapped.

Mulder: Potato, potahto.

Eve 6: Cut off the chains... then we'll talk.

Mulder: They're probably there for a good reason.

Cindy: We're just little girls.

Mulder: That's the last thing you are.

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